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Bike thieves rob a jewelery boutique in Paris for € 300 thousand

Attackers broke open the shop door and collected a significant number of jewelry before the alarm went off. A group of cybercriminals on bicycles managed to take out jewelry from the jewelry store in the center of Paris for the amount of 300 thousand euros, reports Le Point.

According to the newspaper, the robbery of a boutique on the street of Saint-Pear occurred on the night of Monday, April 30. Attackers broke the door and collected a significant number of rings, pendants and bracelets, before the alarm went off.

The thieves disappeared on bicycles, having managed to take away on them the stolen ornaments for the sum of 300 thousand euro.

"This type of transport, of course, allowed them to remain unnoticed," the publication stresses.

Law enforcement authorities of the French capital are investigating what happened.

It is noted that the same method of transportation the Parisian thieves used during the robbery of the American star Kim Kardashian in October 2016.

In Paris, stole a necklace for half a million euros in front of the seller

Recall, in January this year, men with axes robbed a jewelry store in the Parisian hotel Ritz for more than four million euros.

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