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In Britain, boys were allowed to go to school in skirts

The boy was forbidden to appear in school in shorts and offered to wear a skirt

This decision was justified by a new gender-neutral policy. Boys in hot weather can change trousers to skirts. In the UK, in Oxfordshire, the Edge Secondary School high school allowed boys in the hot weather to attend skirt lessons instead of trousers. This writes The Daily Mail.

The publication reports that at the beginning of the current school year the school administration introduced a uniform for all forms. It provides, among other rules, exceptionally long pants for boys.

With the onset of hot weather, one of the parents turned to the leadership with the question of whether his son can come to classes in shorts. In response, he was refused, but at the same time the child was allowed to appear in classes in a skirt.

These rules were due to a new gender-neutral policy, according to which all children without exception can come to the school in the heat in lighter clothes.

By this step the school decided to support transsexual students who suffer from discrimination.

Earlier it was reported that men came to work in skirts after the introduction of the ban on shorts.

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