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In Norway, Trump was nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize

Donald Trump can become an official contender for the Nobel Peace Prize President Trump took an important step towards disarmament, peace and reconciliation between North and South Korea, Norwegian deputies said. Two Norwegian parliamentarian nominated US President Donald Trump for the Nobel Peace Prize after the summit in Singapore, where the American leader met the head of the DPRK Kim Jong Ynom. This is reported by the Voice of America on Wednesday, June 13.

"Christians Tibring-Gedde and Per-Willy Amundsen, belonging to the Progress Party said that President Trump has made a huge and important step toward disarmament, peace and reconciliation between North and South Korea," - said in a statement.

It is noted that a group of US lawmakers also supports the nomination of Trump for the Nobel Peace Prize.

Examination and awarding of the award takes place in Norway. However, in the struggle for the award in 2018 only those candidates who were nominated no later than January are participating. Thus, Trump can claim the prize only in 2019.

Previously, the director of the Norwegian Institute, Henrik Urdal, said that the candidacy of US President Donald Trump was nominated for the third time at the Nobel Peace Prize. However, he refused to inform who is behind this, since the information is confidential.

In turn, Donald Trump does not consider himself worthy of the Nobel Peace Prize.

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