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5 REASONS WHY YOU ARE SMALL SEX Soon a life without sex will become the norm. Read scientific explan

1. Porn

The first explanation that lies on the surface is new technologies: with their help, pornography has become much more accessible, and social networks have maximally expanded the range of its consumers. The growing popularity of online pornography gives rise to some researchers believe that dependence on sex on the Internet is a mental disorder.

Passion for pornography replaces sex in real life and significantly reduces sexual desire in the bedroom.

Some researchers even argue that viewing pornography badly affects the chances of finding a permanent partner.

2. Social networks

Social media is the second main reason that distracts people from sexual life.

Previously, researchers argued that sexual activity in the bedroom significantly reduces the installed TV, now this factor has become "Facebook", "Twitter" and "Instagram."

3. Work

Another factor in reducing libido is considered work stress, stress and fatigue.

Important, however, is its quality, not quantity. Work that does not bring pleasure, is harmful to mental health, which affects sexual life.

4. Stress

The main reason for the decline in sexual activity and satisfaction from sexuality is increasingly considered stress (which, of course, is often associated with what is happening at work).

Stress affects a person very much - influencing the level of hormones, creating a negative image of one's own body, forcing us to question the meaning of further family relationships and increasing the level of consumption of alcohol and drugs.

All this directly affects the sexual life - more precisely, its reduction.

5. Modern life as such

Among many other reasons that affect sexual life, researchers identify mental health, well-being and a sense of happiness. Recently, in Western societies there is a real epidemic of mental disorders, and the most common of these are depression and anxiety.

Numerous studies unequivocally prove that depression causes problems in sexual life and reduces sexual desire.

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