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Age 42 - 45 years is considered an important psychological and physiological boundary in the life of a man. How does it affect the sexual constitution?

Will the sexual activity remain at the same level, or is it better to prepare for unpleasant surprises? Practice shows that in the intimate male sphere there are still full of unnecessary stereotypes.

1. Responsible position and sexual longevity are incompatible ...

According to sexologists, everything is just the opposite. The high social status of a man of mature age makes him more self-confident, and this quality is very important for maintaining sexuality. The blow to male potency, as a rule, is a sudden withdrawal from the cases.

2. It is rumored that mature men need to change their partner more often, because it stimulates sexuality ...

According to scientific data, a new connection for the organism of a mature man can become a real stress. First, a man for 40 already, as a rule, has a developed model of communication, including sexual. And subconsciously he feels the fear of failing with a new partner. Secondly, not every woman can get real pleasure from the first meeting. For a man, because of life experience, this is well known, and his anxiety is only exacerbated.

Own fears and experiences can prevent a mature man from experiencing the expected satisfaction himself, and if unsuccessful meetings are repeated, he faces a serious nervous breakdown.

3. The more, the better?

Sexual constitution, on which sexual activity depends, does not correlate with the size of intimate organs. For her, the normal work of the hormonal system is important.

4. To prolong sexuality, you need to take special hormonal drugs ...

You can take hormonal drugs only under the supervision of a doctor, amateur performance in this matter only harms.

Hormonal treatment is prescribed only after carrying out appropriate examinations and analyzes. Determine "by eye", which is not so - alas, it is impossible. Therefore, you do not need to take medications on your own to delay the extinction of sexual function. This problem is not always related to the lack of male hormones.

Conversely, a man can have androgen deficiency (a deficiency of male sex hormones), but it does not necessarily mean that there will be a menopause.

Self-medication with hormonal drugs can have an unnecessary effect on masculine nature. Experiments with rats, for example, showed that as a result of prophylactic administration of testosterone, males - instead of strong sexual arousal - suddenly showed a maternal instinct, and males nursed with partners as with children.

5. Impotence is a male menopause ...

In fact, these are different phenomena. Impotence distinguishes situational (failure with a certain partner) and organic (provoked by obstruction of blood vessels, a lack of hormones, etc.).

Climax is characterized by extinction of sexual function. This happens gradually and unnoticed, half of men over 70 years old are able (if desired) to have sexual intercourse, and with a strong sexual constitution, sexual activity and the ability to fertilize persist until very old age.

Thus, menopause is an age-related phenomenon, and impotence can occur in both a 20-year-old boy and his grandfather.

6. Eat impotence - no sex ...

Situational impotence can be cured independently. To do this, sometimes it is enough to find another partner with a more suitable temperament. With more serious situational problems with potency, you can turn to a professional psychotherapist.

With organic impotence, you need to seek treatment for andrologu.

Among the drugs that help men cope with impotence are known means containing prostaglandins of the E group. Erection after their administration occurs regardless of the presence of an attractive object. However, one should be aware that with prolonged use of such drugs priapism may occur - a phenomenon when a member is constantly in an erect condition.

The latest generation of Viagra type is more gentle. Erection after their reception occurs only "purposefully", and the action of the accepted pill is maintained for 4 hours.

In cases of severe organic impotence, falloprosthetics can effectively help. Modern phalloprosthesis act on the principle of hydraulic structures and allow a man to experience a full erection at the right time. Women at the same time about anything do not guess. If, of course, men themselves do not talk about their "acquisition".

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